Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188

This visa allows you to run a business, investment activities or entrepreneurial activities in Australia.

This visa has several types:

  • Business Innovation stream
  • Investor stream
  • Significant Investor stream
  • Business Innovation Extension stream
  • Significant Investor Extension stream
  • Premium Investor stream
  • Entrepreneur stream

Business Innovation stream

With this visa you can:

  • manage a new or existing business in Australia
  • bring a close family member with you
  • to apply for a Permanent Business Innovation and Investment visa Subclass 888.

Eligibility requirements:

  • to score at least 65 points on the test
  • to provide proof of your business success (annual turnover, ownership share)
  • If you, your partner, or you and your partner together, have a total net amount of business and personal assets of at least 800,000 AUD.

Investor stream

With this visa you can:

  • conduct business and investment activities in Australia for a period of 4 years and 3 months
  • bring a close family member with you
  • to apply for a Permanent Business Innovation and Investment visa Subclass 888 if you meet the requirements.

Eligibility requirements:

  • to invest 1.5 million in an Australian territory or state
  • to score at least 65 points on the test
  • to have a total net amount of business, investment and personal assets of at least AUD 2.25 million.

Significant Investor stream

With this visa you can:

  • conduct investment activities in Australia
  • apply for a Permanent Business Innovation and Investment visa Subclass 888 if you meet the requirements.

Eligibility requirements:

  • to be invited to apply for this visa
  • to be nominated by a state or territorial government agency or CEO from Australia to invest at least AUD 5 million
  • to meet certain conditions and have the real intention to maintain the investment for at least 4 years
  • to have an honest intention to live in a country or territory whose government agency has nominated you.

Business Innovation Extension stream

With this visa you can:

  • manage a new or existing business in Australia
  • bring a close family member with you
  • stay 6 years from the date of the approval of a Temporary Business Visa for Innovation and Investments 188 if you meet the requirements.

Eligibility requirements:

  • to have a Temporary Business Visa for Innovation and Investments 188 for at least 3 years
  • that you did not have more than one Temporary Business Visa for Innovation and Investments 188
  • To be nominated by a state or territorial government agency.

Significant Investor Extension stream

With this visa you can:

  • conduct investment activities in Australia
  • extend your stay in Australia under the Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188 Significant investor stream for additional 4 years
  • apply for a Business Innovation and Investment visa Subclass 888 Significant investor stream if you meet the requirements.

Eligibility requirements:

  • to have Temporary to have a Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188 Significant investor for at least 3 years
  • that you haven’t had more than one of these visas
  • to be nominated by a state or territorial government agency or a CEO from Australia.

Premium Investor stream

With this visa you can:

  • carry out business and investment activities in Australia
  • stay in Australia for up to 4 years and 3 months
  • apply for a Business Innovation and Investment visa Subclass 888 Premium investor stream if you meet the requirements.

Eligibility requirements:

  • to be nominated by a CEO in Australia
  • to be invited to apply for a visa
  • to invest at least AUD 15 million in Australian investment and/or philanthropic contributions
  • to have an honest intention to maintain an investment for the whole visa period (except for the investment that is a philanthropic contribution).

Entrepreneur stream

With this visa you can:

  • carry out entrepreneurial activities in Australia
  • bring a close family member with you
  • apply for a Business Innovation and Investment visa Subclass 888 tipa Entrepreneur stream if you meet requirements.

Eligibility requirements:

  • to undertake or propose to undertake entrepreneurial activities in Australia
  • to have a financing contract of at least AUD 200,000 for an entrepreneurial activity in Australia
  • to show business plan for your entrepreneurial activities
  • to have the good knowledge of English.

Processing times

The period required for a Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188 to be processed is unknown because of the small number of these visas being processed.

Visa application charge

Visa application charge (VAC) for Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188 varies depending on the type of visa. Below are the listed fees for each type of visa and each is paid when lodging the visa application:

  • Business Innovation stream – AUD5.375
  • Investor stream – AUD5.375
  • Significant Investor stream – AUD7.880
  • Business Innovation Extension stream – AUD645
  • Significant Investor Extension stream – AUD645
  • Premium Investor stream – AUD9.455
  • Entrepreneur stream – AUD4.045

Additional costs are not included, such as Registered Migration Agent services, or any other costs you may have when preparing the necessary paperwork and documents.

Please, note that the VAC may be different from the one shown here. Please, check the exact price on the official website of the Department of Home Affairs.

More information about this visa type can be found on the official website of the Department of Home Affairs.

We also recommend that you visit our Blog that may contain related articles.

To read more about how we can assist you, please, visit Our Offer.

Business Innovation and Investment visa Subclass 888

This visa allows entrepreneurs and those who have their businesses to continue their business activities in Australia.

This visa has several types:

  • Business Innovation stream
  • Investor stream
  • Significant Investor stream
  • Premium Investor stream
  • Entrepreneur stream

Business Innovation stream

With this visa you can:

  • continue your business and stay in Australia permanently if you are the holder of a Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188
  • work and study in Australia.

Eligibility requirements:

  • have a Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188 Business Innovation stream, visa 444 or in some cases visa 457
  • to meet certain business requirements
  • to be nominated by an Australian territory or state.

Investor stream

With this visa you can:

  • continue your business in Australia that you started under Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188
  • stay in Australia permanently
  • work and study in Australia.

Eligibility requirements:

  • to have a Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188 Investor stream
  • to meet certain investment requirements regarding your temporary visa
  • to be nominated by an Australian territory or state.

Significant Investor stream

With this visa you can:

  • continue your business in Australia that you started under Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188
  • stay in Australia permanently
  • work and study in Australia.

Eligibility requirements:

  • have a Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188 Significant Investor stream or extension of this visa type
  • that you have maintained your investment in connection with your temporary visa for 4 years
  • to be nominated by Australian territory or state.

Premium Investor stream

With this visa you can:

  • continue your business in Australia that you started under Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188
  • stay in Australia permanently
  • work and study in Australia.

Eligibility requirements:

  • to have Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188 Premium Investor stream
  • to meet certain investment requirements related to your temporary visa
  • to be nominated from an Australian territory or state.

Entrepreneur stream

With this visa you can:

  • continue your entrepreneurial activities in Australia that you started under Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188
  • stay in Australia permanently
  • work and study in Australia

Eligibility requirements:

  • to have Business Innovation and Investment Provisional visa Subclass 188 Entrepreneur stream and to have it 4 years without interruption
  • to meet certain business and investment requirements that apply to your temporary visa
  • to be nominated by an Australian territory or state of Australia.

 Processing times

The period required for a Business Innovation and Investment visa Subclass 888 to be processed is unknown because of the small number of these visas being processed.

Visa Application Charge

Visa application charge for all types of Business Innovation and Investment visa Subclass 888 is AUD2.590 and it is paid when lodging the visa application.

Additional costs are not included, such as Registered Migration Agent services, or any other costs you may have when preparing the necessary paperwork and documents.

Please, note that the VAC may be different from the one shown here. Please, check the exact price on the official website of the Department of Home Affairs.

More information about this type of visa can be found on the official website of the Department of Home Affairs.

We also recommend that you visit our Blog that may contain related articles.

To read more about how we can assist you